Here I am at week 40..uh...I mean 25.
I am finishing a round of shots today. My doctor has found better success at giving them to all mothers of multiples seeing that pre-term labor is so common. I will have my last shot today then my monthly ultrasound following. I can't wait to get another look at the little ones. The last ultrasound showed little Mr. in a transverse-lie position (he is baby "A" so this is especially naughty) and the little Miss was breech at the upper right of my uterus. I have daily talks with my son about his positioning and though there is time for change, the window gets slimmer more quickly with multiples. I have felt their movements change so the ultrasound may reveal some changes in positioning!?!?!
As you can see in this photo, I have total prego face. I take one Tums, per child, per meal. It does not matter what I eat. And I stay away from the obvious heartburn foods anyway. I rarely have heartburn when I am not pregnant and the Tums do serve as an extra calcium dose to help ease those wretched leg cramps that can accompany pregnancy. So I can't complain. Anyway, just an update.