So my friend and I were locked out of our apartment when suddenly this guy in a little Honda comes flying up the streeet. He jumps out of his car, and in his best superhero voice, asks what the problem is. I recognized him as the fun and outgoing guy from our ward who had mentioned to my friend he would like to take me out. Convenient-him being there and all (little did I know he was doing a drive-by). He scaled the building looking for open windows and re-assured me he could break in. I asked him how he was sure he could break in and he told me that growing up in a small town offered many opportunities for such skills. Then he laughed. I found myself caught up in how nice I thought his hands and arms were. He discovered an open window on the second story. Naturally, we needed to go to my aunt and uncles house to get a ladder. How convenient-him meeting my relatives and all. Back at the duplex we quickl

y discovered the ladder was a bit short to reach the window. But this would not stop him. He jumped up and flew at the same time and scaled the rest of his way up the brick through the window. When he thought I wasn't looking, he limped. But the moment he knew I was watching he stood strong and straight. He had hurt himself during his flying leap. I made him a tuna sandwich and he smiled alot. Not once did he bring up his injury. Never before had ease and excitement combined so gracefully in any guy I had taken interest in. Now ten years into our marriage he still calls me "doll" and I still get caught up in how much I love his arms and hands. As silly as it sounds, I feel blessed my heart aches so greatly when he's away. I love you babe!
Happy anniversary. You guys are such a great couple and I loved hearing your story.
I love that Shawn loved you from the start. That man has good taste. Happy Anniversary!
For the record, Jane Austen has NOTHING on you.
I loved this. It was like a little burst of a great novel.
"I feel blessed my heart aches so greatly when he's away." Are you kidding me with the sweetness of that? I LOVE IT!
Hey, I remember this story...I was the "aunt" in it! It was fun to hear the rest of the story! I got goose bumps reading this...Happy Anniversary! Love ya!
Wow, Happy Anniversary. That story is so sweet it brings a tear to my eye. A man who will leap tall building in a single bound is a fantasy. A man who will scramble up them for his damsel is a dream come true.
I love this post. Adore it, in fact.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! 10 years, Hooray!!
I love you guys and miss you so much!!
Happy Anniversary! 10 years is fabulous!
I feel like a kid in a candy story whenever I'm near you...I get a little tingle every time I kiss your beautiful face or get to hold hands with you. I know I’ve won the lottery every day I’m with you, and it’s a long cold winter’s day without you by my side ...so I'm just waiting for spring…ALL my love Shawn
P.S for the record...I hurt myself bad that day! You were worth it!
I remember this sweet story on how you met! I am so glad you found each other...Happy Anniversary to a darling couple! Love you!
that's so sweet, and it sounds so "shawn!"
Happy Anniversary!
I remember Shawn talking about you and how beautiful he thought you were. I had never seen him so gaga from the start over any girl and I have known him 30 something years. Congrats on the 10 years. Shawn can I take her for a piece of cheesecake to celebrate? I will eat the Thai lettuce wraps in your honor. We sure love you guys and value your friendship more than words can say.
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